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We have distributed food & other materials to rural people who are badly effected due to COVID-19 Pandemic.
Women are backbone of the society and we are constantly promoting Women Empowerment by providing various training & promotional programme.
We have distribute survival kits to people effected by AMPHAN in West Bengal in assocation with CAF, India.
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Who We Are

Manikjore Seva Sangha (MSS) is a non-profit non-government social service society. It was founded in 1966 with the collective effort of a few local enthusiasts with a view to bringing about quality development in the life of the under-privileged section of the society. It gives priority to women empowerment through economic self-reliance, promotion of education and culture among the children and the youth and building up community health and hygiene.

The organization dreams of a tension free healthy society based on social justice and equality, balanced economic growth and better employment opportunity and standard health and Hygiene. The head office is situated at Manikjore, Purba Medinipur. Since its inception it has been working hard for sustainable development for Men, Women & Child at all round. We have long experience since inception about sanitation and Public health including safe drinking water facilities; we have also experiences to develop child friendly sanitary facilities at school for school children, menstrual hygiene and hygienic practices among the school children, Child education, gender violence, women empowerment and Environment.


MSS is happy to work with partner organization.


Your contribution will be used for livelihood development of poor and needy people of West Bengal.


MSS is looking for Volunteer in various parts of West Bengal.

Key Area of Concern


We work on promotion of education among children belongs to rural areas of West Bengal, India.
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We are organizing various activities to strengthen socio-economic condition of Women in West Bengal.
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Health Checkup camps and awareness programme are organized by the Organization in various parts of West Bengal, India.
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Awareness generation camps are organized on various social issues and available schemes of the Government of India.
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Job Oriented Training Programme are organized for men and women with the help of other governmental and non-governmental organizations.
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Various programmes are organized by our NGO for Child Development whith includes various compositions like Drawings, Singing, Dancing etc.
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Legal Help is provided to persons with support of renowned lawyers in our project areas.
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Plantation programme are one of the major programme where we try our best to save the environment.
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From The Secretary's Desk

Dear friends,
One more year elapsed in our striving for bringing about qualitative change in the socio-cultural scenario of the rural Bengal, more specifically in the livelihood of the underprivileged section of the society. Let me take this opportunity to share with you how far we have succeeded in this striving till now.

The year 2020-2021 was undoubtedly a crucial year which had put up before us new challenges side by side with the old and familiar ones. I’m proud to say that MSS has been able to address most of these challenges with considerable success only because all of you stood by us with your collected might in this struggle. Let me thank you for this from the core of my heart.

As it is well-known to you, we’ve been working since long on five major thematic fields, namely women-empowerment, child care, community health and hygiene, water and sanitation, and environment protection. This year 2020-2021 has certainly marked a new milestone in respect of the progress of this work. We have achieved new records in self-employment of women, providing health and hygiene facilities to the community and addressing the environmental issues, the details of which are to be found in the relevant section of this report.

Apart from the above, we had to face several abrupt challenges in the year under mention such as wide scale devastation caused by super cyclone ‘AMPHAN’ and the terrible threat of the pandemic Covid-19. God willing, our timely response to the both, in the form of providing emergency relief and hygiene kits as well as making awareness drive, could be of considerable help to the suffering people.

However, the journey of social welfare is a never-ending course. With the passage of time the challenges are multiplying. We’re committed to dedicating ourselves to meet these challenges and ensure a happier and healthier society to the last drop of our blood.

I know you – our donors, partners, associates and well-wishers – have done your best in extending support to us. You have bound us in a bond of love and trust. No words are enough to thank you. MSS will remain ever obliged to you. We expect similar help and guidance from you in the years to come.

With faith and good will,

Amit Kumar Das
Manikjore Seva Sangha

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Our Team

Amit Kumar Das

Amit Kumar Das


Pranab Kr Maity

Pranab Kumar Maity


Chandan Kanti Das


Our Supporters

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